Archive pour anti-nationalism

« Death to nationalism »! Workers revolt against EUconomics in Bosnia

Posted in Actions, Reportages with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on 2014/02/09 by anabraxas

Protests Across Bosnia Are A “Collective Nervous Breakdown”


Anarchists in the Bosninan Uprising, an excellent, in-depth coverage by CrimethInc

Malatesta’s blog coverage of the events, and other articles

from Balkanist

“He who sows hunger reaps anger” warned the red graffiti on a Sarajevo government building this week. The message hinted at the depth of poverty and disillusionment in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) that has driven people to join demonstrations across the divided country, where the unemployment rate is about 40 percent. Protesters have since stormed and ransacked government buildings in Tuzla, Zenica, Mostar, and in the capital city of Sarajevo, where the headquarters of the presidency was also set ablaze. Some protesters allegedly threw firecrackers and stones at police, who responded with rubber bullets and tear gas. Hundreds have been injured. On Friday, activist Darko Brkan called the protests “a collective nervous breakdown”.

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